Buy Shiva Cement with target of 20 in short term and 500 in long term

Recent Events:

Q3 December ended 2015 consolidated revenue up by 4% compared to Q3 2014. PBDIT up by 6% YOY. This is inspite of maintenance shut down of 23 days during the quarter and capitalisation of finance cost relating to expansion. For Q3 results click here

The Board of Directors of Shiva Cement Ltd at its meeting held on January 18, 2016, has approved / ratified the terms of appointment of
Merchant Bankers / Financial Advisers for negotiating with Strategic Investors for expansion plans of the Company as accepted by the Committee of Directors at their meeting held on November 02, 2015.

Company's board decides on 14/11/15 to issue 8 million equity shares at price of Rs.6 per share on

New U.S. rule a blow to Indian pharma exporters

New U.S. rule a blow to Indian pharma exporters

Local manufacture of ingredients made mandatory

 The government will first try to resolve the issue bilaterally, failing which, it will consider

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